Sunday, December 29, 2019

High Heels and Nike’s

People sometimes say that you can judge a person by the caliber of the footwear they own. Indeed we  so often spent time seeing what a person owns and not the journey and walk that led to ownership. These days there seem to so much emphasis on more. Bigger. Faster. Better. But when all is said and done who are we really? Without our trappings, labels, loves.... stuff , who are we when we are naked looking in our mirror of life? This blog is my attempt to be my best person. I’m determined to laugh here, cry here and be completely naked ( not that kind of naked, that’s my other site).  Most who may read this won’t know me from Adam’s housecat and the ones who thought they did did not. Sit back and see me as I see myself. Welcome to my life🤟🏾.